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Papa John’s Profile and Website


Create a website for the global pizza chain, enabling users to quickly and easily order pizza and access information about cashback and promotions.



UX Analytics




Design System

We developed a custom design system, which includes unique elements and styles, tailored exclusively for this project.


We analysed the current website and its metrics and identified several problems: it was not attractive to clients, the ordering process was difficult and deterred half the customers, and there was insufficient information on cashback and promotions.

The key requirements were: convenient and quick ordering, simple interaction with the service at every stage, and the option to accumulate bonus points or receive cashback.


We considered a wide range of user-interface interaction scenarios, from basic actions like selecting a pizza, finalising an order, or signing up, to less critical ones such as evaluating previous orders, applying promotional codes, and accumulating bonuses. Based on this data, we created website prototypes.

Main Screen

We displayed the most popular offers on the main screen so users can see them immediately. A bright menu anchor helps in navigating the sections.

A pinned cart allows users to finalise their order from any point on the page and constantly shows the number of items selected.

Quick Filters

We added quick tags for pizzas, providing easier navigation through the assortment. For those with more refined tastes, we introduced an ingredient-based filter.

Product Card

Product cards allow users to add or remove ingredients to their liking. By clicking "Add ingredient," users can access the pizza constructor.

Pizza Constructor

Users can create a pizza from any ingredients and distribute them between halves. To simplify using the constructor, we categorised the ingredients.


During checkout, users can sign up in just two steps. When revisiting the website, the login process occurs automatically.

Splitting the Check

We introduced a unique feature that allows users to split the total cost between several people, making it easier for groups of friends to pay.

Order Status

Once the order is finalised and the checkout is completed, users can see the estimated delivery time and monitor any changes in the order status.

Pizza Halves

For those who cannot decide on a single pizza, there is an option to create a pizza with two different halves, such as half meat and half vegetarian.


All functions are placed on one page—users can view their user status, bonus account balance, and available gifts without leaving the page.


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Design System

We developed a custom design system, which includes unique elements and styles, tailored exclusively for this project.

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We analysed the current website and its metrics and identified several problems: it was not attractive to clients, the ordering process was difficult and deterred half the customers, and there was insufficient information on cashback and promotions.

The key requirements were: convenient and quick ordering, simple interaction with the service at every stage, and the option to accumulate bonus points or receive cashback.

No items found.


We considered a wide range of user-interface interaction scenarios, from basic actions like selecting a pizza, finalising an order, or signing up, to less critical ones such as evaluating previous orders, applying promotional codes, and accumulating bonuses. Based on this data, we created website prototypes.

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Main Screen

We displayed the most popular offers on the main screen so users can see them immediately. A bright menu anchor helps in navigating the sections.

A pinned cart allows users to finalise their order from any point on the page and constantly shows the number of items selected.

No items found.

Quick Filters

We added quick tags for pizzas, providing easier navigation through the assortment. For those with more refined tastes, we introduced an ingredient-based filter.

No items found.

Product Card

Product cards allow users to add or remove ingredients to their liking. By clicking "Add ingredient," users can access the pizza constructor.

No items found.

Pizza Constructor

Users can create a pizza from any ingredients and distribute them between halves. To simplify using the constructor, we categorised the ingredients.

No items found.


During checkout, users can sign up in just two steps. When revisiting the website, the login process occurs automatically.

No items found.

Splitting the Check

We introduced a unique feature that allows users to split the total cost between several people, making it easier for groups of friends to pay.

No items found.

Order Status

Once the order is finalised and the checkout is completed, users can see the estimated delivery time and monitor any changes in the order status.

No items found.

Pizza Halves

For those who cannot decide on a single pizza, there is an option to create a pizza with two different halves, such as half meat and half vegetarian.

No items found.


All functions are placed on one page—users can view their user status, bonus account balance, and available gifts without leaving the page.

No items found.

Over the past three years, our companies have collaborated closely, resulting in significant improvements in digital product development. Among our notable achievements is the successful collaboration on the development of an e-commerce mobile app, which stands out as one of our most remarkable projects.

Andrey Lipovskiy, Head of IT Department

Next case

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Website for Game Developer Playkot

Website for Game Developer Playkot

Website for Game Developer Playkot

Website for Game Developer Playkot

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