SBI Bank: Personal Account for Large Japanese Holding


Develop a personal account for entrepreneurs that provides everything they need at their fingertips.

  • Finance
  • UX analytics
  • DBS Design

Product Approach

To achieve this goal, we collaborated closely with the SBI Bank team at their office. We spent four months working with product owners, analysts, and the development department. Throughout the development process, we analysed many user paths, explored the technical capabilities of the system for the MVP launch, and examined the nuances of using remote banking for entrepreneurs and accountants.


When we began designing the interface, some initial work had already been completed. However, we revised the previous team’s approach, focusing on a redesigned sidebar with account information. The upper widget aggregates funds from all accounts, while the lower widgets display funds for each currency separately. This redesign ensures that account information is accessible on all screens of the personal account. The screen is divided into three zones: a sidebar, widgets with balances, and detailed information and payments.

The content area features the most popular sections: tabs with an analysis sheet and a payment calendar. All this is available with a single click directly from the home screen.


Flexible filtering options help users find any payment and show the operation status efficiently.

Separate Account

To maintain consistency, we designed a separate payment page similar to the main screen. This page also displays fund transfer analytics for the current month.

Payment Details

Payment details contain extensive data and technical specifics. The component’s form intuitively indicates the account from which funds were transferred and the destination account.

Login and Registration

Upon first login, the system verifies the user’s username and personal data and prompts the user to create a password. Existing users simply need to enter their username and password.


The statement section allows users to view payments in a format that is more convenient for accountants. Users can also upload and order certificates in paper or electronic form.

Profile Page

All account data and system settings are stored here. Users can review and change their service plan, add users to the system, modify user permissions, set notifications, and monitor account security.

All in One Place

We developed a design system that guarantees a consistent interface and reduces development time, ensuring all essential tools and information are easily accessible.

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