Agreement to the processing of personal data

I hereby (hereinafter — the Person) give my permission to CHULAKOV GLOBAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LLC, legal address: Dubai, Al Murar, Al Neyadi building (plot 117–264), office 202 (hereinafter referred to as the Company) to process my personal data specified when placing an application on the Company’s website for processing my order, application, or any other way of contacting the company (hereinafter referred to as the Order), and communicating with me as part of processing my Order, as well as other associated goals within the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, United Arab Emirates and the technical capabilities of the Company.

The processing of personal data of a Person can be carried out using automation tools and/or without using automation tools following the current legislation of the Russian Federation, United Arab Emirates and the provisions of the Company. This agreement of the Person to the processing of his/her personal data specified when placing an Order on the Company’s website, sent (filled in) using this website, is valid from the moment the Order is placed on the Company’s website until its withdrawal. Permission to the processing of personal data specified when placing an Order on the Company’s website, sent (filled in) using this website, may be withdrawn by the Person upon submitting a written application (recall) to the Company. The processing of the Personal data of the Person is terminated within 2 months from the moment the Company receives the written application (withdrawal) of the Person and/or if the purpose of the processing is achieved and is destroyed within the time frame and on the conditions established by law unless otherwise provided. Anonymized personal data of the Persons may be used by the Company for statistical (and other research purposes) after receiving a statement (withdrawal) of permission, as well as after achieving the purposes for which this approval was obtained.

This site allows CHULAKOV GLOBAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LLC to receive information containing the Personal data of the Person, the last name, first name, contact phone number, e-mail address, as well as other personal data that can be used to identify the Person («Your personal data»), in case the Person voluntarily provides it to the company.

The Person agrees to CHULAKOV GLOBAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LLC to process his personal data: the last name, name, contact phone number, e-mail address, as well as all personal data that are necessary for communication with the Person and the execution of contracts.

To fulfill the obligations under the contract, the Person grants CHULAKOV GLOBAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LLC the right to carry out any actions (operations) with his personal data without restriction: collection, recording, accounting, systematization, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, accumulation, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction; use for statistical purposes, for analysis purposes, to inform the Person (via SMS or e-mail) about the Company’s products and services, as well as to carry out any other actions taking into account the current legislation.

Privacy Policy

Any other information transmitted by the Person in connection with visiting the site («Other information» that is not personal data of the Person and cannot be used to identify the Person) may be included in databases owned by CHULAKOV GLOBAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LLC or their representatives. CHULAKOV GLOBAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LLC retains all rights to these databases and the information stored in them. Other information that we collect may include your IP address and other information collected through cookies (see below).

This site may use a technology known as a cookie. A cookie is a message that a web server sends to a Person’s computer when a Person visits the site. On a second visit, our website will check if there is one of our cookies on the Person’s computer. Our cookies increase the functionality of the site and help us to more accurately analyze how the site is used.

This website uses Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. An IP address is a number assigned to a computer by an ISP to access the Internet. Usually, the IP address changes whenever you access the Internet (this is a «dynamic» address). However, if you are using a high-speed connection, depending on the circumstances, the IP address or even the cookie we use may contain personally identifiable information. This is because, with some types of high-velocity connections, your IP address does not change («static») and can be associated with the Person’s computer. We use the IP address of the Person to provide general information on the use of the site, as well as to improve it.

This site uses technology to locate the Person.

A person is obliged to leave this site if he does not want the above data (cookie, data on IP address, and location) to be processed.

This site is not intended for persons under the age of 18. We do not collect personal data from persons who, according to the information we have, have not reached the age of 18. This site where information is collected uses industry-standard Information Security Protocol (SSL) encryption. However, to use this option, the browser must support cryptographic closure (Internet Explorer 3.0 onward). LLC «CHULAKOV GLOBAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY» reserves the right to provide information to government agencies upon appropriate requests or in cases provided for by law.

To remove information about the Person from our contact lists, you must contact the following address: CHULAKOV GLOBAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LLC: Dubai, Al Murar, Al Neyadi building (plot 117–264), office 202, tel. 971-52-9798169 or by e-mail:

The individual may continue to receive materials while our listings are updated. The Website Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. After the update, these rules will be available on this page.